In our advent calendar you’ll be able to win private online sessions with Elsa Blomster or Lena Gunnarsson, our book “Retrieving for All Occasions” (printed and e-book), our study guides or one of our many online courses (without feedback)! There will be a new gift every day, but some might show up twice so don’t give up if you don’t win the first time.
Today’s gift is the e-book version of “Retrieving for All Occasions” for you or a friend.
We’re so happy and proud of all the positive feedback we’ve received about the book. To hear that so many people have found it useful is overwhelming and fantastic. Our hearts leap with joy upon hearing “It’s my bible”, “best gun dog book ever”, “thanks to you my dog knows how to retrieve”, “I’ve read mine so many times it’s falling apart” and so on <3
Read more about the book below:
Retrieving for All Occasions – ebook$26.00Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
Make a wish!
The only thing you need to do if you want to win today’s gift is to comment either in this blog post or on the post on our Facebook page and tell us why you want to win this gift! The winner will be announced two days later.
Get a reminder to make a wish by signing up for blog post updates below!
Winner day 13 – webinar Heelwork
Congratulations to the winner from day 13, Donna Clark, who wrote “Would love to win this, definitely my biggest failure with my older cocker, although I’m not giving up yet and I definitely want to get it right with my youngster🤞🏻” Send us an e-mail at info@retrievingforcalloccasions.com and we’ll give you access to the webinar!
3 thoughts on “Advent calendar day 15: Win Retrieving for All Occasions as an e-book”
I listen to your podcast and have bought the study guide but would really love to win the book to have it all make sense. I have been trying to learn the retrieve and hold on my own because there are no gundog training clubs anywhere near me. My 2 year old Lab and I are excited about it all…whistle recalls and whistle stops, heeling, holds , all of it.
With a curly coated retriever approaching 9 months, this would be just what I need to help her.
Winner from day 15 – Retrieving for All Occasions ebook
The winner from day 15, Retrieving for All Occasions ebook, is Carey Haas who wrote “I work with an organization that supports combat veterans with PTSD/tbi, who train their own service dogs; I would love to win this book to help me learn more ways to help them teach retrieves — which then can be used to teach a variety of other skills ..” Congratulations, we hope that you’ll find the book useful! Send us an e-mail at info@retrievingforalloccasions.com and we’ll give you access to the book!